Leadership Training Institute (LTI)

 God calls us to be his representation of Godly leadership and authority in earth.  There are principles that are associated with leadership that must be taught and woven into the hearts of men.  With that, CKMI offers a Leadership Training Institute that will aid Pastors and their respective leaders in the area of teaching these principles.

The Leadership Training Institute has an assemblage of instructors who are well educated in this area of training in addition to being Spirit-filled and Spirit-led.  The Word of God clearly instructs us to “study to show thyself approved…”  (2 Tim. 2:15)  So we would be remiss if we did not offer a place for those within the fellowship to enhance and develop their God-given abilities to serve in leadership capabilities.

Great leadership denotes successful ministry.  This is why it is so very important to sow into this particular vein of the kingdom.  God desires his people to walk in kingdom authority, stride with integrity, and do such well enough that they can teach someone else how to live in the same manner; thus edifying and empowering the Kingdom of God for generations to come.

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